Who am I?

Who am I? That’s a great question! I think the answer changes daily. I’m constantly trying to reinvent myself and hopefully making some improvements along the way. But, that’s not exactly what you wanted to know when you clicked on this page, is it? You were looking for a more direct answer. Well, I aim to please. I’m a wife, a mom to 3 kiddos, a former model, an aspiring writer, and I’m a Mormon. I love to read, write, watch bookoos of TV, and of course spend time with my cute little mini mes and my doting husband. I am also passionate about self-improvement and helping others in that area as well. I acknowledge my imperfections, but choose to see them as exciting challenges instead of overwhelming obstacles.

While once upon a time I was seen in pictures like this…

the glory days

Now you’re more likely to come across pictures of me like this…

ugly collage

But generally I like taking pictures of these guys…


And in actuality…


Thanks for stopping by to meet me!

Let it be known, let it be written, some links on my site may be tied to affiliate programs. As a result, I may receive a commission from any clicks that lead to purchases, but rest assured that I will not promote anything that I have not personally tried.