If you’re a mom, I know you feel me when I say bedtime is the best time. At the end of the day, right around dinner, I start to fall apart. Any cool I had is lost. Every toy my kids drop, every thunderous footstep down the hall, every squeal, every request, every cry makes me want to lock myself in the darkest closet on the planet and lose the key. But we deal, because we’re moms…and we know bedtime is right around the corner.
Sure, sure. I know this is the time in my kids’ lives that I should cherish and all that jazz, so I try not to rush the bedtime ritual too much. We do baths, prayers, and “bed night stories” as Vivi calls them. I tuck Viv in, then the boys, then Viv again. I get myself ready for bed then tuck Viv in again (that girl won’t stay put!) Then finally, when the house is quiet, I crawl into bed, raise my feet and my back (I have one of those sweet geriatric beds for people that don’t ever want to use their abs again), then I turn on the TV and zone out. The Hubster is not a fan of TV, but once it’s on you can’t resist its life-sucking glow. So, he watches with me most nights. I’ll admit, I’m sure there are better things we could do with our time like sleep, or work, or…sleep. But there is something so cathartic about letting your mind get carried away in good drama. I especially like European shows for some reason and I try to steer clear of anything too graphic or raunchy. So if you’re a tired mom like me and you like a good escape, maybe you’ll find it in one of the shows below.
With out further delay, here are some of my favorites right now:

Available on Amazon. Free with Prime membership. Only 1 season so far, but more will be coming!
Why I like it: My current favorite! Aidan Turner is hot, and it’s one of those romantic period shows. It takes place in the late 1700’s in coastal Great Britain. Everyone has a sexy accent (if you’re American you’ll agree, but if you’re British or Irish the accents won’t impress you.) And again, Aidan Turner. Need I say more?
What it’s about: Ross Poldark returns home after the American Revolution to find his former life in upheaval. Driven by loss, he throws himself into rejuvenating his father’s old mine. He cares deeply for the less fortunate and spends every waking moment serving others. Poldark often finds himself at odds with his gentry class, but he fights for what’s right over what is considered proper. Though his heart was broken, he soon finds love again in an unexpected place. I don’t want to give anymore away, but if you like Downton Abbey (another show I love) then you will most likely enjoy Poldark.