
September 2016

Post Triathlon Blues


You look forward to something so much. You plan for it, you train for it. Nearly every day for months you spend time pushing yourself, preparing your body for this one big event. Almost everything else in your life has taken the backseat because you are so focused on being ready for this new and exciting experience. Your first triathlon. It’s an experience that you don’t want to screw up because if you do, it could mean blood or broken bones at best, or your life at worst. So, you wake up every morning with a drive to improve, to get better, faster, stronger, to go further.  Some people think you’re crazy, some people cheer you on, and if you’re lucky, some people train alongside you. But no matter what people think, you surge forward because you have a goal to achieve, and every bit of progress makes you feel empowered.

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