A Mom’s Ode to Summer

crazy swim kids

It’s here. It’s here. I can’t believe it’s here.

I don’t know whether to cheer or to fear this conflicted time of year.

 The cons and the pros beget a swaying anxiety, it ebbs and it flows.

The kids, they don’t know. Their excitement just grows. So, I’ll keep my repose…

For now.

Sure the sleeping-in sounds great, but it’s not something my kids appreciate,

So they wake up long before eight, and it’s probably illegal to sedate…


The pool is open now, and that’s super fun, no doubt

And if it didn’t freak me out that my little ones might drown, I’d be their lying out…

All the time.

I’d love to plan a vacation to a tropical location, but the constant desolation of our financial situation is an ongoing frustration and instigation for disputation that leads to the cessation of my travel motivation, and in my perturbation I accept with resignation that we’ll just have a stay-cation…

And that sucks.

Then there’s the constant chord of the kids shouting “I’m bored” while expecting some reward despite behavior that’s abhorred. Their fighting can’t be ignored, so I search for punishments unexplored without inciting a criminal record until we strike some acceptable accord…

Like bribery.

But alas, I must say that at the end of the day the pros do outweigh all that of the grey because time with my babes, I’d never give away, and someday I’ll miss the sound of their play.

Together we’ll run through our days in the sun.

We’ll have such fun that when it’s done we’ll wish for the day it’d begun.

Despite all I’ve expressed, I know that I’m blessed. My kids are the best…

And I love them.

 swim kids


  1. Fun stuff…made me smile. And remember. I do know that my kids only said the B (bored) word maybe once apiece, as it resulted in a list of chores to do, with one added every time they continued in that vein. Didn’t take long for them to figure out how to entertain themselves. 🙂 You are a fun mom, and that’s a good thing. The other part of it all is that they won’t remember very much of what you did during the summer, but they will remember that they were loved, and happy.

  2. This part below reminds me of an Eminem rap. Maybe you could assist him in song writing.
    “I’d love to plan a vacation to a tropical location, but the constant desolation of our financial situation is an ongoing frustration and instigation for disputation that leads to the cessation of my travel motivation, and in my perturbation I accept with resignation that we’ll just have a stay-cation…”

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