
April 2016

Bathroom Stuff Review

Stanky Stuff

Since we are talking about “brands” of stuff this week, I thought I’d review a few items in my bathroom. In fact, what brought this thought on was disgust with something in my bathroom this morning. I know, this could be so many things! But it was actually something you wouldn’t expect to be disgusting. So obviously, the first review is less than stellar.

Have you ever encountered a drunk baby? No, I certainly hope not because the very idea is outrageous! But can you imagine what a drunk baby might smell like? Just think about a thick fog of white baby powder mixed with noxious, undulating alcohol fumes around a poor, sweet infant. It’s just repugnant, is it not? So why on earth would I want to spray something that made me think of this atrocity on my hair and then expose others to it by going out in public? I do not want to do this. Yet, as I sit here typing, my nose is afflicted by this very acrid smell. What is the source? IMG_4438 Dove Hair Therapy, Style + Care, Strength & Shine, Extra Hold Hairspray. Aside from having the longest name ever, it also wins the stinkiest ever hairspray prize. Even the smallest amount of this hairspray will make your hair smell like an extremely elderly lady who’s lost her sense of smell, and has applied copious amounts of perfume under the assumption she is covering the stench of her abscessing corpulence, but without realizing she is only adding funk to fetor.


So, you might be asking yourself why I have applied this pungent vulgarity to my head today? The simple answer, my dear friend, is that I was too lazy to go downstairs and get my other hairspray.

Aside from the stank, I have not found its “hold” to be either Extra or Strong, and any Shine that it induces is very short-lived. So, in my opinion, this Hair Therapy needs some serious therapy of its own. I will not be using it again! (Unless, of course, I forget to take my other hairspray upstairs.)




Can’t Keep Your Hands off Your Face

Next up is something I love!

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What’s Your Brand of Brainwash?

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There’s a lot of talk going around. You know, political talk and whatnot. People are sharing their views on candidates, issues and beliefs. We are in that extra sensitive time of every quadrennium when you might get punched in the face for sharing what’s on your mind. Which is why I’m not going to share my political opinions here. The Hubster and I already argue enough about politics at home, so my cup is full on that front. No, instead I’m mostly going to talk about some generalities that have been stewing in my brain of late.

Growing up as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I remember being told on occasion by “friends” that I was brainwashed by Mormonism. Of course as a teenager, if anyone came within a stone’s throw a comet flying by Jupiter of insulting me then I would become as defensive as, well, a teenage girl. So if someone even insinuated that I was brainwashed by my religion, I would quickly snap at them like a rabid dog, and sometimes I’d even go the extra mile and do things in direct opposition to my beliefs just to prove my brain was still dirty and not at all washed. But as an adult, I now realize that I am brainwashed. And you know what? So are you.

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Jackson is the Pinewood Derby Jedi Master

Last year's car, the Mario Bros Bullet.
Last year’s car, the Mario Bros Bullet.

WE had the Pinewood Derby this week. Yes, WE, because my competitive nature won’t allow me stand back and just let this be a Cub Scout thing. Sure, I let Jackson pick the design and do most of the painting, but when it comes to speed…momma takes the car. The Hubster is involved too, of course. He has to do the tough stuff like cutting and sanding (What!? I have delicate hands!) But weight placement, axle and wheel buffing…that’s my area. Last year I let The Hubster handle speed, and I helped with design. We won Best in Show, but our speed was no good.


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Spring Break Cersey Style

So, I was on fire with my posts and then spring break happened. My schedule got thrown out of whack last week. But I figure since I currently have a following of about…um, zero…no one cares that I’ve been slacking. Even though I live out in the far reaches of online space , I’m still going to throw our spring break experience out into the interweb world.

We had an animal themed spring break with the kiddos. Not because I am a cutesy, fun, planing type of mom, but because all the things that fell on my spring break plate involved animals and I noticed it, so I claimed the theme as my own creation. What can I say? I’m an opportunist.

In an effort to maximize the time and money spent on the animal-rich places we’d be venturing to, I made a contest out of it.

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